Belgian Shepherd Club Of CanadaBSDDC- Is the Canadian body Made up of Dog fanciers of the Belgian Shepherd, The web page provides detailed information about breed standards, goals, breeders as well as activities and membership.
Canadian Kennel ClubThe Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is the primary registry body for purebred dogs in Canada and currently recognizes 187 breeds. As a non-profit organization, the CKC is dedicated to encouraging, guiding, and advancing the interests of purebred dogs and their responsible owners and breeders in Canada and promoting the knowledge and understanding of the benefits which dogs can bring to Canadian society.
CKC Titles - |
CKC Rally printable signs |
Training Treat RecipesSome tried and tested training treats from the pyramid treats
CKC Rally Obedience SignsWant to try the basics of Rally at home ? here is a quick video on the CKC rally Obedience signs.
Conformation TrainingBasic Conformation training how to stack your dog
Gaiting Your DogLearn to gait your dog and move in the show ring
New Puppy -First 24 hours in your homePodcast on the first couple of days
Essential puppy training for new puppyTeaching choices and positive reinforcement
Dog Nail Trimming TrainingLearn to make toe nail trimming a positive experience.
Introducing your dog to the worldLearn how to make your dog feel confident meeting new people and places and be excited about the new friends
Train SitLearning the Sit command
Train HealLearning to heel
Train AttentionLearn to get your dogs attention
Train RecallLearn to have a good recall
Train leave itLearn to train leave it
Train stayLearn a solid stay